Singapore Institute of Management recently gathered a dynamic group of successful women for the SIM Women's Leadership Forum 2011 to discuss gender diversity and women's leadership.
The Guest-of-Honour, Ms. Grace Fu Hai Yien, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts & Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources opened the forum with inspiring remarks on the challenges women face in the workplace.
Ms. Tara Kimbrell Cole, CEO of Synovations, gave the key note address on "Achieving a Gender Diversity that Leads to our Highest Potential".
Additional noteworthy speakers sharing their own insights included Ms. Grace Yip, Practice lead, Accenture Management Consulting –Talent and Organisation Performance (Singapore), Ms. Alicia Yi, Managing Director, Korn/Ferry International, Dr. Ann Tan, Chair, SCWO Women's Register and Ms. Junie Foo, Chair, Board Agender.
